Friday Weekend Update. Great Weekend Ahead.

Sunny, warmer and groomed...hard to get better. GREAT skiing weekend ahead.
Finally out of the cold and heading into spring. LOTS of spring skiing ahead.
Kimberley's Annual Gourmet Ski is Saturday night. This is one of the key skiing events on KNC's yearly schedule. Sorry, tickets are sold out again this year...but if you have a chance come out and witness a true skiing eating extravaganza. The event runs tomorrow evening.

Friday March 8th
Sunny blue sky, a balmy -1 degrees but with gusty winds.
The trails are calling to you, come on up and enjoy!
The Ginzu groomer has been out to touch up the trails.
With yesterdays gusty winds there is some debris (pinecones, needles and small branches' on the trails so ski with caution today.
LOTS more skiing left. See you up here.