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Kootenay Cup Race Notice, Jan. 13-14th, 2018


January 13th – 14th, 2018

RACE EVENTS: Teck Kootenay Cup #3:

Saturday, Jan. 13th, 11:00 AM

Free technique, Individual Sprints

King’s Court Format

Teck Kootenay Cup #4:

Sunday, Jan. 14th, 9:30 AM

Classic Technique, Interval start

Competitors can participate in one or both events.


840 North Star Drive, Kimberley BC

4.5 km from downtown Kimberley

Parking is limited at the trails, so please restrict the number of vehicles your team brings to the main parking lot, and park any extra vehicles on the road just below the Nordic Hut, on Deer Run Drive. There will be a marked walking trail directly to the lodge from Deer Run.




RACE ORGANIZING Race committee chairs:

COMMITTEE: Chiefs of Competition Keith King and Frank Ackermann

Chiefs of Course Wayne Gilbert and Frank Ackermann

Chief of Timing Corrinne DeZoete and Mark Koenig Chiefs of Stadium Chris Bullock and Keith King Competition Secretary Jeannie MacDonald ( Chiefs of Promotion Christine Chatten

Chiefs of Start/Finish Rob McDonald

Chief of Athlete Services Kim Miller

Chief of Computer Ops Heather Lamson

Chief of Marshalls Chris Bloch-Hansen

Chief of Volunteers Jeannie MacDonald


DAY 1 COMPETITION: Saturday, Jan. 13th, 2018

Free Technique Individual Sprints by age categories

Start times: 11:00 AM, starting with the qualifier for Bantams and older, then the heats will be youngest categories first.

Categories will be combined for the sprints, from Juvenile age upwards into 1 large category (including mixing the genders). Bantams and Midgets will be combined for the first 2 heats, and then separated into Bantam and Midgets for the final heats (but genders will be mixed). A Qualification Round will apply to Bantam age groups and older. PeeWees and Atoms will have random seeding within heats, and run through up to 4 heats (depending on the number of competitors enrolled). Heats will be run in the King’s Court format, with the top 2 finishers moving up in the bracket and the bottom 2 finishers moving down in the bracket. Heats will vary in size based on number of competitors, but will be no larger than 6 athletes. All athletes that complete the Qualification Round will be completing 3 heats in a King’s Court Format.


Sub Categories/ Year of Birth



Girls and boys, YOB 2013 and more recent

50 m


Girls and boys, YOB 2010, 2011, 2012

100 m


Girls and boys, YOB 2008 & 2009

200 m


Girls and boys, YOB 2006 & 2007

400 m


Girls and boys, YOB 2004 & 2005

400 m

Juvenile boys/girls

Girls and boys, YOB 2002 & 2003

900 m

Junior boys/girls

Males and females, YOB 2000 & 2001

900 m

Junior, open, recreational and master men and women

Males and females, YOB 1999 and older

900 m

Skiers will be responsible for knowing their course prior to the race.

DAY 2 COMPETITION: Sunday, Jan. 14th, 2018

Classic technique, Interval Start by age categories

Start times: 9:30 AM


Sub Categories/ Year of Birth



Girls and boys, YOB 2013 and more recent

150 m


Girls and boys, YOB 2010, 2011, 2012



Girls and boys, YOB 2008 & 2009

1.3 km


Girls and boys, YOB 2006 & 2007

2.6 km


Girls and boys, YOB 2004 & 2005

5 km

Juvenile girls/boys

Girls and boys YOB 2002 & 2003

5 km

Junior boys/girls

Females and males YOB 2000 & 2001

7.5 km (2 x 3.75km)

Junior women, recreational men and women

Females YOB 1998-1999; Recreational men and women YOB 1997 and earlier

10 km (2 x 5km)

Junior men, open and master men and women

Males YOB 1999 and older, females YOB 1997 and older

15 km (3 x 5km)

Skiers will be responsible for knowing their course prior to the race, as each separate race course may not be closed. There may be open intersections with signs directing traffic.

RACE Registration and fee payment is ON-LINE only at


If you experience any difficulties registering on line, please contact the Race Secretary.

Racers and coaches must check the confirmation list on Zone4 ( as soon as possible after they complete their registration to ensure that they are registered in the correct categories. Please contact the race secretary ( before 12 noon on Thursday, Jan. 11th if there are any corrections required.

Through zone4, you will be able to pay for registration, register up to 2 coaches for free, purchase extra meal tickets for Saturday or Sunday lunch, and buy your dinner tickets for the Dinner Extravaganza (dinner/silent auction/live band) on Saturday, Jan. 13th, 2018. A one-stop shopping convenience!

RACE ENTRY The entry deadline for all races is:

DEADLINE: Wednesday, Jan. 10th, 11:00 PM (MST)

RACE FEES: $7.50 (plus GST and zone4 fees) per race for bunnies.

$15 (plus GST and zone4 fees) per race for atoms, peewees, and bantams.

$25 (plus GST and zone4 fees) per race for all other age categories.

Payment must be made on-line. Credit cards only.

Race fees will include a meal ticket for a warm lunch on each day.

LICENSES: No race license is required. Racers must be paid-up members of a Cross-

Country Canada or US Ski Association registered club.

WAIVER FORMS: Waivers must be accepted on line.

START LISTS: Start times (by category) for each race will be posted at the race office and on line by 11:00 PM on both Friday, Jan. 12th (Free Technique Individual Sprints) and on Saturday, Jan. 13th (Classic Technique Interval Start).

Predicted order of events for the Saturday Sprints:

11:00 - Juvenile and older: Qualification Round

11:20 - Bantam and Midget: Qualification Round

11:40 - Mass Start for Bunnies (genders combined)

11:55 - Heats for Atoms (depending on number of registrants)

12:30 - Heats for PeeWees (genders combined)

13:10 - Heats for Bantams and Midgets (first 2 heats will have these 2 age/gender groups combined, and the final/third heat will be age group and gender specific)

14:00 - Heats for Juvenile and older athletes (all heats will have ages and genders combined, including the final heats)

15:45 - Awards

BIB PICKUP: Saturday: 9:00AM – 10:30 AM, in the race office.

Sunday: 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM, in the race office.

The Race Office will be located in the Kimberley Nordic Club Waxing Hut, adjacent to the Main Lodge. There will be no bib-pick-up allowed after 30min prior to the start of all races. All athletes who haven’t had their bibs picked up by then will be marked as DNS (Did Not Start) for that event.

AWARDS: Awards for the Saturday and Sunday races will be presented approximately 30 minutes (or ASAP) after the last racer finishes on each day, along with a selection of draw prizes. Ribbons and medals provided by Teck will be given to participants aged 15 and younger. Older age groups will be given local medals.

FACILITIES: There is a heated day lodge with limited restroom facilities. In addition, there will be outhouses located immediately beside the day lodge on the north side of the building. Search and Rescue first aid attendants will be present on site. There are no dogs allowed on our trails.

FOOD & DRINKS: Post-race drinks and light snacks will be offered to racers in the finishing chute. Warm lunch will be provided to all racers and volunteers both Saturday and Sunday in our outdoor “Feed-Zone” under the Teck tent in front of the Main Lodge. Please be green and bring your own bowl and spoon for both days. Meal tickets will be distributed with the bibs in the morning. Each registered athlete will receive one complimentary meal ticket/day. Additional meal tickets will be available for purchase on zone4 for $5 each, or on site while quantities last. Cold and warm water will be available at all times.

WAXING: A waxing area is available between the day lodge and the small cabin, with several plug-ins available. Waxing in the parking lot is allowed, but not while being plugged into the electrical outlets of the lodge deck. Teams may bring and use their own generators for waxing purposes. The area is not under cover. Teams are welcome to set up their own tents for waxing. There is no waxing on the decks of the main day lodge.

The Kimberley Nordic Club requests that all coaches, wax technicians, and parents abide by the below self-governed protocol while waxing skis for all athletes (this includes all age groups and recreational skiers).

The recommended glide waxing protocol is as follows:

  • Non-Fluoro (NF) or Low Fluoro (LF) glide waxes ARE permitted

  • Medium Fluoro (MF) or High Fluoro (HF) glide waxes are NOT permitted

  • Pure Fluoro glide waxes (powders, pucks, blocks and liquid) are NOT permitted

  • Cold weather powder additives and hardeners are NOT permitted

  • Structure tools ARE permitted

The adherence to this protocol is self-governed and is the responsibility of the athlete, coaches, parents and wax technicians.

Note: there will be no Team Captains Meetings this weekend.

SNOW AND TRAIL Visit and also


COURSE MAPS: Course maps will be available on the KNC website soon

TRAIL PASSES: Race entry fees include full use of trails for the race days only. Trail passes must be purchased at the trailhead kiosk for skiing on non-race days. Group discounts are available at the kiosk for non-race days. Up to 2 coaches/team will be given complimentary trail passes for race days, but ONLY if they have pre-registered on zone4 as a “coach”. All extra coaches and parents will need to purchase day passes. Day passes may be purchased at the KNC trailhead kiosk. Group discounts are available at the kiosk.

ACCOMMODATION: Visit or “Simply Kimberley” at or for info.

Inn West Kirkwood Inn is directly adjacent to the start/finish area

ACTIVITIES: On Saturday, Jan. 13th, 2017, there will be a dinner event offered by the KiXS team. There will be a silent auction with an amazing collection of prizes (including an Alpine Helicopter ride for 5 people!), draw prizes and a live band to make this an awesome evening. The cost will be $20 (12 and under $15), and will be from 6pm-10pm at the Kimberley Centennial Hall. Tickets can be purchased on zone4 at the time of registration. The event is limited to 200 people.

VOLUNTEERING: Any people wanting to volunteer, or gain experience as a volunteer official, please contact Jeannie MacDonald at 250-427-6513, or

SPONSORS: Teck Resources Limited


50% refunds will be provided to participants who wish to withdraw provided notice of withdrawal is emailed to the Race Secretary no later than Jan 8th. The Host Club may choose to cancel an event if travel or course conditions are deemed unsafe (road conditions, road closures, weather, lack of snow, health advisory). The Host Club is not liable for any costs incurred as a result of cancellation of this event. Under circumstances of event cancellation, the Host club will refund 50% of race fees. ZONE4 online booking fees are non-refundable.

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