Skiing is Getting Better.
Pictures from Angela, Kiosk Staff. Thanks as always.
Skiing conditions are getting better at KNC. It is no longer icey and slick. Some amounts of snow have fallen over the week and grooming has been done. We sometimes only need small amounts of snow to make a fairly big difference in skiing conditions.
Kimberley Nordic Racers, Track Attack skiers and Masters have all been out skiing lots this week. Most skiers are reporting conditions fair to good on most trails. The Jackrabbit program starts this weekend and of course is a go.
Thursday Nov. 30th. Copied from the Update on the Live Grooming Report. Reports are that skate is good and classic is fair. Trapline, Landsem and Spruce trails are still the best options today. Caution- there are still icy and occasional bare/rocky bits on Snowbird, Meadow and upper runs. Some of the single track like Roys Cut and Finnigans are quite good for classic with skied in tracks.
There is more snow in the forecast so we will continue to stay open for you hardy early season skiers! Catch a run when you can...see you up here. Kiosk is open daily so come check it out and pick up your seasons pass! Angela.