Still Room Available...this week coming...Nutrition for Fitness Clinic
Both evenings are going..,
Are you keen to have more energy for your skiing, get FASTER, and recover more quickly from your training/racing sessions???
Join Zoë Ramdin to learn about the nutrition non-negotiables...5 things everyone should be doing to stay at your best for peak daily and athletic performance. Learn the critical nutrition needs before, during and after training/racing. Electronic hand-outs (distributed after the session) will summarize the session and help you start the season at your best.
You will also receive a mini recipe book with 7 days worth of breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes.
Host: Zoë Ramdin, PTS (Personal Training Specialist) & Nutrition Counsellor
Date: One evening only Mon. Dec 12 or Wed. Dec 14
Please RSVP now with your preferred date. All RSVPs need to be received prior to December 11th.
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Where: KNC Lodge
Cost: $10 with minimum registration of 10
RSVP by emailing