Jack Rabbits
Jackrabbits: Ages 4-9
About: This is a “learn-to-ski” program with a focus on fun and skills development for young skiers aged 4 and up. This program builds physical literacy and encompasses the Active Start and FUNdamentals stages of the Long Term Athlete Development Model. Kids will learn the basics of cross-country skiing through games and structured coaching. The emphasis is on encouraging children to enjoy this wonderful sport and to pursue it as a lifetime activity, recreationally or competitively.
When we meet: We meet Sundays and Tuesdays. You can sign up for both sessions or just one.
Sundays: 12 sessions, December 8th, 2024 to March 9th, 2025 (no sessions Dec. 22 and Dec. 29)
Tuesdays: 12 sessions December 10th, 2024 to March 9th, 2025 (no sessions Dec 24 and Dec. 31). We have a year end fun day for all Jackrabbits, we’ll wrap up the Tuesday season on the last Sunday.
Time: Sundays 1:00 pm and Tuesdays 4:30 pm. The duration of each session increases with each level.
Bunnies: 45 min *parents may choose to remain with their child at the Bunnies level*
Level 1: 60 min
Level 2: 75 min
Level 3: 90 min
Level 4: 90 min
Program Cost: $105 for one day, $180 for both days
Rentals Cost: $70 for the season (set of classic skis, boots, poles, Level 4’s get skate skis)
Need help paying? Apply for a grant through Kidsport Canada
Registration: August 15, 2024 at 10:00am until November 1, 2024 at 10:00pm
Parent Expectations:
This program is run entirely by volunteer coaches and coordinators. All monies generated from registration, rentals and fundraising are used directly for this program content and facilities. There is an expectation that families contribute time and/or food for the snack portion of the sessions (at the end of skiing) for a minimum of two (2) sessions per season. More information and a sign up form will be shared prior to the start of the program.
All Jackrabbits participants and parents must sign the Code of Conduct before the start of the program.
Kids should be on their skis and ready to go at scheduled times.
Additional Information:
Levels: While registration is age-based, we do our best to place your child in a suitable level based on a combination of age and ability. This will be established in the first couple sessions of the program and is at the discretion of the coaches and coordinators. We will do our best to accommodate ‘friend requests’ but that may not always be possible.
Rental gear distribution takes place in late November.
We meet each day in front of the lodge at the Kimberley Nordic Club.
Season passes must be shown to Kiosk attendants.
Cold weather cancellation is -15 and below
Want to know more? Contact our Program Administrator, Anna Malvin, at programs@kimberleynordic.org or 250-427-5268.