Adult Ski Program
Adult Ski Program: Ages 19+
About: KNC has adult programs for a diversity of skiers, whether you are learning to ski, hoping to stay active, or pursuing race ambitions.
This season, KNC is offering the following:
1. Dryland Training
2. Tuesday night evening training group
3. Tuesday and Thursday daytime training group
4. Wednesday night social ski
5. 3-week (December) and 4-week (January) group lessons
6. Clinics with specific objectives (ie. Ski the 6k, downhill on skinnies, men’s only, Mom’s late evening ski away from kids, chariot skis…)
Note: Before signing up for an Adult Ski Program, all participants must have a Kimberley Nordic Club membership
1. Dryland Training: Dryland training will focus on strength, core and ski-specific movements outdoors and in the KNC weight room. No weight training experience necessary. Led by Heather Lamson, CANSI Level 4 Instructor with support from alternate instructors.
When we meet:
Dates: Thursdays, September 19th–November 28th (10 weeks)
Time: 6:00-7:15pm
Cost: $135
Registration: August 15 at 10:00am until September 17, 2024 at 10:00pm.
2. Evening Training Group: Two 6 week program blocks are being offered this year. Sign up for one or both! The program is intended for advanced skiers and Masters athletes looking to build race-ready fitness and skills. Included in the program will be a training plan for participants to build on the Tuesday night group technique and intensity sessions. The program will include video analysis, technique and intensity sessions to progress participants throughout the season or to goal races. The aim of the group is to provide a social and supportive community to those who are interested in pushing the pace while improving fitness throughout the season.
Classic and skate skiing will alternate each week. This program will be led mainly by CANSI Level 4 Instructor Heather Lamson with the support of other instructors or coaches. Sign up for both skate and classic or just one (biweekly).
When we meet:
Dates: Tuesdays, December 10th-January 28th, and February 4th-March 18th (no sessions December 24th and 31st)
Time: 6:15-7:45pm
Weekly (both techniques): $120 per set (6 sessions + plan)
Biweekly (single technique): $66 per set (3 sessions +plan)
Registration: August 15 at 10:00am until December 8, 2024 at 10:00pm (Dec/Jan) and February 2, 2025 at 1:00pm (Feb/Mar).
3. Daytime Training Group: New this year, KNC is offering a daytime training group. This program will be targeted towards the intermediate level skier who wants to challenge themselves to improve both their fitness and technique. The focus will be on guided self-improvement in a fun and supportive environment, with a lower intensity than the evening program (advanced skiers or racers may prefer the evening program). Each 1.5 hour session will consist of skill instruction with drills, followed by a guided ski along a route chosen to help practice the new skills. Participants will also be provided with an optional week-by-week training plan to follow outside of the course, for those interested in taking on a Loppet or just wanting guidance to follow.
The program will run two mornings per week, starting at 10 am, with classic sessions on Tuesdays and skate sessions on Thursdays. Sign up for one or both! Registrants should be able to ski most trails at KNC comfortably and willing to ski all of the trails. This program will be led by CANSI Level 3 Instructor Yvonne Keyzer and CANSI Level 2 Instructors Lori Craig and Mike Brewster. Any cancellations due to extreme weather will be added to the end of the program.
When we meet:
Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays, Dec. 3/5 to Jan. 14/16 and Jan. 21/23 to Feb. 18/20 (no classes Dec. 24th-Jan. 2)
Time: 10:00-11:30am
January-February training will build upon skills learned in the December-January sessions​
Both techniques: $200 per set (2x/week, 10 sessions + plan)
Single technique: $110 per set (1x/week, 5 sessions + plan)
Registration: August 15 at 10:00am until December 1, 2024 at 10:00pm (Dec/Jan) and January 19, 2025 at 10:00pm (Jan/Feb).
4. Social Ski: ​Two 6-week social ski programs for intermediate and advanced skiers looking to go for a group ski led by a CANSI certified instructor and get a few ski tips. Classic and skate skiing will alternate each week. Sign up for both skate and classic or just one (biweekly). Après drinks and snacks.
When we meet:
​Dates: Wednesdays, December 4th to January 29th and February 5th to March 12th (no classes December 25th and January 1st)
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Weekly: $90 per set (6 sessions)
Biweekly $50 per set (3 sessions)
Registration: August 15 at 10:00am until December 2, 2024 at 10:00pm (Dec/Jan) and February 3, 2025 at 10:00pm (Feb/Mar).
​5. Group Lessons: Nordic skiing is a very technical sport. Instruction can help make your skiing experience better! Proper technique will reduce back pain, slipping and increase efficiency and enjoyment. Three (December) or 4-week (January) progressional lessons for those looking to advance their skills with a CANSI-certified instructor. The low ratio of instructor to student will aim to advance your skiing with skiers at a similar level in a social setting. Meet friends and become a more proficient skier in group lessons for KNC members.
​When we meet:
Daytime: Wednesdays from 10:00 –11:30am (December 4th-18th or January 8th-29th)
Evenings: Mondays from 6:15 –7:45pm (December 2nd-16th or January 6th-27th)
Group size: Min. of 4 and max. of 8. Small groups allow opportunities for feedback.
December 3-week lessons: $60
January 4-week lessons: $80
Registration: August 15 at 10:00am until 10:00 pm two days before the start of
each program.
6. Ski Clinics:
1. Classic Transitions: during this session, we will touch base on double pole, kick double
pole, striding, and herringbone. Upon working on drills for each technique, participants
will then practice transitioning from technique to technique.
Date: Wednesday Jan. 8th, 6-8pm
Fee: $32.00
3. Classic Fundamentals: a deep dive into the fundamentals of classic striding to perfect the foundation and take your classic skiing to the next level.
Date: Thursday Feb. 6, 6-7:30pm
Fee: $28.00
4. Skate Fundamentals: a deep dive into the fundamentals of skate skiing to perfect the foundation and take your skate skiing to the next level.
Date: Wednesday Feb. 12, 6-7:30pm
Fee: $28.00
To register for ski clinics, visit https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=37621
Additional Information:
Après-ski drinks and snacks available for all of our adult programs!
Seasons passes must be shown to Kiosk attendants when entering the Nordic Club
Our instructors are certified Level 1-4 Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors (CANSI) and/or Certified NCCP Coaches.
Cold weather cancellation is -15 C or below
Want to know more? Contact our Program Administrator, Anna Malvin, at programs@kimberleynordic.org or 250-427-5268.